
Leading Economic Indicators

As mentioned this past week and month in the newsletters, we suggested watching the Conference Board’s Leading Economic Index® that came out today (1/22/16).  It declined slightly by 0.2%.  For specific report details see:  conference-board.org. Declines happen from time to … Continue reading

New Lows Increasing

How Bad is the Stock Market Decline? Stocks have been hit hard this New Year due to a combination of influences that range from sentiment to technical to fundamental.  So, just how bad is it?  This 26 year chart may … Continue reading

Millionaire by Country

What does it take to become a millionaire? Hard work, talent, good luck, access to capital and ideas are all part of the equation.  But another factor is the country in which you’re born.  How does your country embrace those … Continue reading

What’s Age Got to Do with It?

We agree when it comes to things like working, driving, marrying, taking social security, your age is very important.  Age factors into the yes or no equation. But investing?  What does age have to do with it? Why should a … Continue reading

Bye Bullish Bonds?

After the Federal Reserve raised short-term interest rates a quarter of a point today, we wanted to share an article we published in our November issue of the  401kSelections.com Member monthly 401k Report. Bye Bullish Bonds? Is the 30-year bond bull … Continue reading

How Much is your $100 Worth?

We found an interesting article at Taxfoundation.org, and wanted to share it with you. In their article, “The Real Value of $100 in Each State”, they present readers with a map (shown below) that shows the value of $100 dollars … Continue reading

Q & A with Stephen L. McKee

What is your fund rating system and how does it work? I rank mutual funds and ETFs based on my proprietary C metric.  C is the risk-adjusted relative performance number.  Risk is measured by a fund’s monthly volatility.  Relative performance is … Continue reading